Workforce Development

UMaine AI addresses grand challenges of global impact and local relevance, including in education, healthcare, and the environment. It operates at the intersection of diverse disciplines and fosters a synergistic environment that brings together interdisciplinary teams of collaborators dedicated to the advancement of artificial intelligence and its applications, from discovery and learning in foundational AI to its high-impact uses and workforce development.

UMaine offers a robust number of courses to train students in the area of artificial intelligence. These are a sample of the courses currently offered.

AI Related Degree Programs at UMaine

Electrical and Computer Engineering


  • BS in Computer Engineering
  • BS in Electrical Engineering
  • BS in Electrical Engineering Technology
  • Minor: Bioinstrumentation
  • Minor: Computer Engineering
  • Minor: Electrical Engineering
  • Minor: Electrical Engineering Technology
  • Minor: Nanotechnology
  • Minor: Robotics


  • MS in Computer Engineering
  • MS in Electrical Engineering
  • PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering

Computing and Information Sciences


BS in Computer Science

  • BA in Computer Science
  • Minor: Computer Science


  • MS in Computer Science
  • MS in Information Systems
  • MS in Spatial Informatics
  • MS in Spatial Information Science and Engineering
  • PhD in Computer Science
  • PhD in Spatial Information Science and Engineering
  • Certificate in Information Systems

Select List of Courses

ECE 598/498 Deep Learning

ECE 577 Fuzzy Logic

ECE 590 Artificial Neural Networks

ECE 498/598 Big Data

ECE 417 Intro to Robotics

ECE 533 Advanced Robotics

ECE 574 Cluster Computing

ECE 571 Advanced Microprocessor Design

COS 470 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

COS 570 Topics in Artificial Intelligence

COS 598 Machine Learning

COS 598 Computer Vision

MEE 444 Robot Dynamics and Control

SIE 598 AI for Data Science